Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cheers one and all!
It has been a hectic past few days here in Rome. I began my volunteer work at the refugee center on Wednesday and it has been an amazing experience, even after one day. The men that use the center are from Western Africa and Afghanistan and know very little English. It's been hard trying to develop a lesson plan for someone that has absolutely no knowledge of the language, I just don't know where to begin! But it will be a challenge for all of us that I'm excited to take on. The most important part of my time spent there to me is developing a friendship with the people I encounter. It's odd to think that the 'gypsies' and 'vultures' of the streets are the people I'm working with. I hope that I'm able to spread the word that these men and women are just that - people like us that are being exploited and oppressed by the Italian bureaucracy.
On a lighter note, I have a funny story. The other night I went out to a bar in Trestavere (that's where Lucas Strittmatter is staying - no, we did not meet up) which is near the Vatican. That's probably 4 miles away which doesn't sound like much, but it's a windy twisty walk home. Yes, I said WALK. Anyway long story short, I ended up climbing a fence into a no trespassing area and finding a place that overlooked the city. I then proceeded to get ridiculously lost and took 2 1/2 hours to get home. (Don't worry I was with a friend). We also attempted to ride a boat down the Tiber River, got it untied and everything and started paddling before my friend Joe reminded me it was a gypsy's boat and I realized I didn't want to steal the locomotive of a gypsy. So we tied it back up and went on our merry way.
Last night we went back to Trestavere and went to an all-you-can-drink for 15 euro. You could truly get ANY drink/shot/mixer (except beer) and it was insane. I don't think I'll ever go back there.
Today I went to the Vatican and actually went into St. Peter's Basilica and saw the Pieta and all that neat stuff. And it was REALLY REALLY neat and beautiful. I accidentally cursed several times (surprise!)
I got a job! I listen to audio tapes for the dean of students and then write down what's being said...exciting, no? Doesn't matter because it pays 10 euro an hour which is a fucking GOLDMINE. Tomorrow I'm headed to the flea market (don't worry Mom and Pa I won't spend too much!)

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