Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Days Seem Longer Here...

Today I didn't leave the building except for going on a 10 minute walk so my friend Mark could talk about taking a girl's virginity in Croatia. As much as I enjoyed that (and indeed, I did) I wish I could've stayed outside longer. The problem with the John Felice Rome Center is it is not only our dorm, it is our source of food as well as where all of our classes are located. We also have a doctor here so theoretically I could never leave the place and easily survive. Okay that's not the point - I still managed to have an awesome day hardly even venturing outside of the premises. I guess this is just a testament to the school and how I really enjoy it.
My friend Mo and I went to an aerobics class and got our asses whooped by a small Italian woman that was completely jacked and wanted us to learn to be sexy. I'm all for that so I worked my ass off and then proceeded to go to an Egyptian bellydancing class later on after dinner where an older bitchy woman taught us the basics of a bellydance. As mean as she was she said one thing that stuck with me - "Women aren't meant to have flat stomachs. Women are meant to have curvy tummies and this will help." I yelled out "Amen!" in excitement.
Tomorrow is my first day doing on-site volunteer work at a place called the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center. From what I've heard I'll be teaching a class of Africans and Bangladeshians (?) how to speak remedial to advanced English. I'm really excited about it even though it's at 8 am. I have a great interest in social justice in Italy because from what I know, in particular the treatment of people with mild to severe disabilities. I wanted to work in a community center for people with disabilities but it appears as though there aren't any. Perhaps I could begin advocating here in Rome!
My parents and I have had a discussion (via facebook chat, of course) and it appears as though I need to settle down on the spending so I plan on spending the next few weeks traveling around the free parts of Rome. That is really exciting as we have so many cool places to go - so look for updates!

1 comment:

  1. elise!

    great hearing all of your stories. It was also great hearing your voice the other day after like ages, (no really, it was!). <-- did I butcher some punctuation there? You're fascinated by skinny people? I can tell you all about them.

    Also, where's your cool new awesome white coat that your cool awesome friends convinced you to buy? I didn't see it in any of the pictures you've been tagged in yet.
