Thursday, February 5, 2009


Don't mind if I do rant for a moment. You know what sucks about being abroad? I still get all of those e-mails from people like James (my boss at the rec. who, no joke, sends out at least two e-mails/day) and my advisor, Peggy. Now, I love Peggy, and James is alright, but it is SUCH a buzzkill to constantly be reminded that I will one day return to the states and be back to real life. I have no desire to spend time looking at schedule possibilities for my senior year and certainly don't want to begin registration. That being said, those of you that read this - I'd like you to know that I miss you all dearly. If I could, I would bring you all to Rome, but my budget doesn't allow it and one more overdraw fee may give my mother a stroke.
I got a letter from Lara a couple days ago and I don't think I've ever been so excited to receive a piece of mail. Not only is Lara an amazing writer who made the most mundane facts of her life entertaining, but it was nice to have a piece of home here to look back and laugh about.
We've started playing 'calcio' which is the same as soccer (I know! I thought it was called futbol) and I'm on the brown team which is quite fitting as we are fucking terrible. Realize I haven't played soccer since high school and I'm quite positively the star athlete on my team. It's a blast though, even in my ultra-competitive nature. Perhaps because promptly after the games we proceed to 'Beer and Pizza' which is a 3-beer stein and cheese pizza for 10 euro. Truly every person at my school goes and just nearly drunk in a huge restaurant that stays open really late. Problem is it makes getting up for my 8 'o' clock class a real bitch.
Today marks the weekend and I am really excited. It's not so much that I have huge plans (as I'm still at negative something-or-other in the bank account) but some borrowed money will get me a day train to Assisi (hellooooo St. Francis) and then back to Rome for a weekend-full of homework and work-work. Next week starts the beginning of tests so expect me to be baggy-eyed and thin-tailed (get it? Like NOT bright-eyed and bushy-tailed) for the next few days.


  1. Penso che il suo amico, Giuseppi, abbia la stessa questione come lei fa con le finanze.

  2. despite what lou-bag said, i'm so money with my finances (get it?! like MONEY = FINANCES!)

    ps you're such a calcio star. teach me?
